
The historically hip lifestyle district.

Memphis has its fair share of historic neighborhoods. And our city’s many entertainment districts are legendary. But no place in the Mid-South, and quite possibly no place anywhere, owns a personality like you’ll encounter in Cooper-Young.

Eclectic only begins to describe it. Century-old homes tucked among family-owned businesses and contemporary gathering spots. Young and talented creative types mingle among families and life-long residents.

What began as a large private land investment quickly turned into a thriving residential community. Through boom and bust, struggle and growth, Cooper-Young never lost that unmistakable sense of community you’ll feel any time you visit, in any season of the year.

You might think that such a tight-knit community would be exclusive or difficult to discover. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Cooper-Young always welcomes, always includes.

Every year, we host hundreds of artists, crafts makers, musicians, and people passionate about what they do as they display their talents to tens of thousands of visitors from all across the Mid-South at the Cooper-Young Festival. The biggest one-day festival in our city is also the most distinctive, just like the district that plays host.

You can’t fake our kind of culture. It can’t be manufactured, imported or faked. It has to be grown. Since 1899, that’s exactly what’s been taking root in these select few blocks in Midtown. And we invite you to discover the part that appeals most to you.